Since there are many different cameras on the market, it is impossible to predict which models can be sold in what numbers.
The vast majority of underwater houses on our website, are ordered from the manufacturer in the United States on the basis of your order.
It is therefore not possible for you to return an underwater housing that is marked as "Made-to-Order" since we have minimal chance to resell a camera-specific housing -and no opportunity to return it to the manufacturer without excessive costs.
If the model you want to return is one we sell many of, we will of course help you by trying to sell it to another customer for you.
Extract from our "Terms & Conditions" on the right:
Right of cancellation:
DANISH DIVERS A/S provides a general 14 day right of cancellation, valid from the day you receive your products.
The right of cansellation, however, do NOT cover products which we have marked as "Made-to-Order", as these will only be ordered from the manufacturer in the United States upon receipt of your order. This means that we are not able to provide right of cancellation of these products, since returning to the manufacturer is associated with inordinately high costs.
If we receive notice that you regret your purchase BEFORE we have ordered the product from the manufacturer, it is possible to cancel your purchase. Only written accepts from DANISH DIVERS A/S will have liberating effect.
We consider that you have accepted the limited right of cancellation if you order a product marked "Made-to-Order".
Upon cancellation you are obliged to return the product in the same condition and quantity as it was received. The right of cansellation does not apply to items that you have tested or used as we cannot resell a product that has been tested or used.
You must pay the costs associated with returning the goods.
Read our complete Terms & Conditions here >>>
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Illustration: DYK
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